
Catherine Baez Sholl

The Fit and Healthy Baker

For You
This blog is for those who love the kitchen, baking, cake decorating, and are always looking for a way to be fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle despite their constant exposure to “not-so-healthy” foods.

Here you will find original recipes for delicious baked goods, healthy alternatives, and recipes for meals that fit your healthy lifestyle. You’ll never miss out on delicious foods.

Do you also want to have workout options? Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, you’ll find a broad range of information on fitness.

Baking and Cake Decorating

I’m a major foodie and have a mother and a husband who are incredibly gifted in the kitchen. I grew up watching my mom bake and decorate cakes for family members and friends.

The truth is that my only interest in her cakes back then was eating them.

When I was little, when I could barely reach her Kitchenaid mixer,


I would wait for her to look away so that I could stick my fingers in the batter that came up to the edge… oh, the memories!

Then, many years later, I helped her out with my sister’s wedding cake and fell in love with it! I started baking for friends and eventually opened a business, baking cakes on the side while working my fulltime job. I did this for five years and then decided to focus more on my career. But the love of cake decorating remained. I now make my creations for family members.

Here I’ll be sharing with baking and cake decorating tips that I’ve learned through these years of experience. I think it’s important to maintain our traditional baking recipes and that they should be reserved for special occasions. But I also believe that we can find healthy alternatives for everyday baking.

If you’re ready to learn about healthy baking, not-so-healthy baking, and cake decorating tips, sign up here! I’ll send you notifications every time I have a new post.

Health and Fitness

It’s not easy to maintain a healthy lifestyle when you have a sweet tooth and are always surrounded by desserts and cake.

I gained weight when I had my cake business and searched for ways to maintain motivation and lose weight. I found effective ways to reach my weight loss goals.

But life happens, and after more than a year of fertility treatments, I gained more weight than ever before. By now I have lost 23 of the 40 lbs I gained with IVF, in great part due to Intermittent Fasting.

I decided to start this blog to share my journey and join with others who have the same goals while maintaining my passion for cake decorating and baking.

Here I’ll share what I’ve learned about weight loss, Intermittent Fasting, fitness, and general healthy habits. 

Start today, join me in this weight loss and healthy lifestyle journey! Sign up here for a list of tips to find a supportive accountability partner tailored to your needs and get updates on my health and fitness posts.

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